Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ask Me Begins

So, here it goes. The beginning of my latest endeavor. I have been wanting to begin a blog for some time now but never was sure what I would write about. I wanted it to be interesting of course, but I also wanted it to be interactive and utilize some of the skills that I have as a counselor. A "Dear Abby" advice type column peaked my interest. But, I have a HUGE problem with the word "advice." That word is a no no where my degree comes from. Counselors don't give advice. We provide support and guidance. That's why therapy can be productive for long term problem-solving. Guidance helps to offer you new resources, perspective, and reason on a problem or situation currently stumping you in your daily life.

Now, even though I am a counselor I am not attempting to be YOUR counselor. My intentions are simply to take some knowledge I have, couple it with some experiences I've had and utilize these skills to the best of my ability for the potential betterment of some of you. By no means do I think that I have all of the answers for your foibles, missteps, and challenges. However, I feel strongly about encouraging others to be their best self, to find their way, and to perhaps offer them a different way of viewing something that may prove to be productive in the long run. I have just as many imperfections and flaws as the next guy. But sometimes it's a bit easier to give someone else a crack at your latest distraction. So, send me your conundrums at and I will happily take a stab at providing you with another direction, voice, opinion, suggestion, resource or option.

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